All Roads Lead to Rome. Learn what this saying has to do with your online presence and why a website is more important than you might think.
“All roads lead to Rome.” A term that lends its origin to ages past when Rome was the center of the known world. The confluence of the largest and most influential trading network at that time, Rome was the central hub of the ancient world. No matter where you were at, Carthage, Alexandria, Constantinople, the road you were on would eventually lead you back to Rome. So, no matter the path you take, the outcome will be the same.
In today’s digital age, the world is a far cry from the friction of distance that defined the ancient world. Where once economic hubs, physical roads leading to those hubs and proximity away from them had everything to do with economic viability. The world today is a globalized market, the introduction to the digital age and advances in transportation technology has reduced friction of distance down to the end of our fingertips. The internet has allowed us anything we need at only a click away. The world may be a vastly different place, but when it comes to your online presence, the term “All Roads lead to Roam” is just as insightful in years past as it is today. However, in the modern world and for modern business owners it takes on a new connotation.
In the competitive niche of Business, Advertising and Marketing, “Rome” can be considered your website. No matter who, what, where, when, why or how you conduct business, advertising or marketing, everything should direct back to your website. A website it is the center of the web in your sphere of the internet. Like Rome, your website is the economic hub of your sphere of influence, but it is not the only hub. Like Carthage, Alexandria and Constantinople is to Roam. Other websites linking back to your site are the surrounding cities. Sites like Yelp, BBB, Yellow Pages and Social Media Platforms should all lead back to your website. And like the saying, no matter which platform you decide to use, they should all lead back to your website. In the web world this is known as backlinks.
Backlinks are links embedded in articles on other websites that directly link back to your main website. These paths, drive brand awareness, funnel referral traffic, increase your sites trustworthiness and is one of the main cornerstones for establishing outstanding SEO. (Want to learn more about SEO, click here ) Think about backlinks as the Roman empire roads. No matter what corner of the web they are on, they should all lead back to your website.
The digital age is irreversible. Every year, year after year, we become a more technologically dependent society. Further and further, we drift away from the familiarity of the way the world used to be and focus more on how the world is changing and how to get ahead of the curve. Although the dynamics of the digital world may be ever evolving its import to remember that the past can teach us important lessons relevant today. So, when constructing the architecture of your sphere of the web, remember the old saying “All Roads Lead to Roam”, it will tell you all you need to know on how it should be designed.